29th Jan 2023
21st-Century Selling Process
The 2nd step in the new selling process is establishing the buyers need or qualifying the customer. One of the reasons salespeople are unproductive is because they waste their valuable time chasing unqualified prospects. In B2C business, for example, in the insurance industry, a company may determine if a prospect is qualified based on several criteria ie Age, Income, Family History, Current state of Health, Habits, Hobbies, Profession, and so on.
An insurance company cannot give 1 crore Term insurance coverage to a prospect whose annual income is 5 lakhs per annum. In B2B or distribution business of luxury car, company or salesperson will qualify the distributor on Location of the showroom, the number of years in the business, distributor’s sales, support & customer service team, etcetera. To have a productive sales force, companies should set up systems and procedures and train their sales team to check prospect qualifications and establish their needs before they commit their time and effort.
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