20th Nov 2022
8 Winning Strategies "Become Friends with Clients".
From this weekend, I will share the 8 winning principles or strategies that will help entrepreneurs or salespeople stay ahead of the competition. The 1st one is “Become Friends with Clients”.
I would like to explain this by quoting Mark McCormack who said, “All things being equal, people will do business with a friend; all things being unequal, people will still do business with a friend.”. When one starts in the profession of Selling, one seeks business first and forming a relationship later. However, when relationships get built first, business follows automatically.
According to me you have become friends with clients only in 2 ways, 1st when you get invited to their family functions or when clients come to your personal functions with family.
2nd clients trust you and are even comfortable discussing competition products or services before buying them.
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