27th Mar 2022


Another learning of mine to develop Attitude is “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” In life, most times, we may not get what we want. Due to my accident, I could not run Marathon, and therefore, I took up cycling as a sport to strengthen my legs. I joined cycling groups & started to train with them for long-distance cycling. In 2015, I set a goal to cycle 100 km & In Sept 2015, I achieved it 1st time by participating in a 100 km race. Cycling not only strengthened my leg but also improved my overall fitness.
2 years back, I achieved my career-best timing of 3 hrs & 52 mins to complete a 100 km race. There is always a reason why God has not given you something we wanted. Sometimes, God gives us lemons to discover our true potential. If we take those lemons/moments with a positive attitude, nothing can stop us from achieving what we want. #salesbooster https://www.amazon.in/dp/1772046221 www.nimeshmehta.net

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