15th Oct 2023
Sales and Leadership Wisdom from the Leaders, Sunil Rohokale
One of my profound learnings in life is “Learn from other people’s successes and failures. Life is too short to learn everything by yourself.” To implement this learning, I interviewed 25 CEOs and business leaders across industries and captured their experience and wisdom in my book. From this weekend, I will share 3-5 learnings from each interview.
I am starting with my Mentor and Coach, Mr. Sunil Rohokale, Group CEO and MD of ASK Investment Managers Ltd. When asked the question, how do you build lifelong relationships? He answered, “Relationship to my mind is, “you have to give before you get.”
In the organizational context, when you keep adding value every time you get chance to, you are the energy giver; otherwise, you are an energy sucker. If you give energy, the relationship will get built, and if you add value, your relationship will strengthen. Trust gets even stronger. So you need to engage. For a relationship, engagement is a keyword.”
www.nimeshmehta.net https://www.amazon.in/dp/1772046221 #salesbooster