Sales and Leadership Wisdom from the Leaders, Mr. Kamal Nandi​

28th Jan 2024

Sales and Leadership Wisdom from the Leaders, Mr. Kamal Nandi

Mr. Kamal Nandi has more than 3 decades of running a business so I asked him How do you approach slumps in business? He answered

Ups and downs are a part of the business cycle. We have seen many ups and downs in our industry, but I think it’s more important to work on some of the fundamentals of business.
First, you have to understand the business basics and then really focus on them because if you are working with clarity, the slumps in business will not impact you as much as they would otherwise.

Similarly, when the business is going well, you will attain the lead easily. So my suggestion or advice to people is to understand the fundamentals of your business and work accordingly. If not, you may not survive the meltdown phase of your business.


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