10th Nov 24
Sales and Leadership Wisdom from the Leaders,Jai Krishnan
Again, a pragmatic and beautiful answer from Mr. Jai Krishnan, CEO – Samsonite, when asked how leadership has changed in the last couple of decades?
He replied Leadership has become more consultative. A leader believes that his job is to get the best out of his team. And that best comes out only when you treat people as equal parts of the team irrespective of age, grade, and salary level. You have to be honest and say there are certain things you know and certain things I know. That’s why I am here to talk to you. That is the leadership style that I always used, and I think it works. A team has to complement each other.
Your job is to put these things together. So that means identifying what a person brings to the table and accepting that everybody cannot be good at everything. You set an example by openly saying, “I don’t know what you know, please tell me. Just, because I am senior in the company hierarchy doesn’t mean that I know better.” I find this style of leadership most effective.
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